GO LIFT hiit 22 # 2
GO LIFT hiit 22 # 2
22-Minute hiit Weight & Body Weight Workout. Super-Sets Of, Bicep Curls & Reverse-Grip Rows + Close-Grip Chest Press + Crunch & Side-Raise Lunges + Billy Blank Side Crunch.
A structured formula of 32 working intervals incorporates a variety of weight-room and bodyweight exercises across four HIIT tracks. Each track might consist of super-sets with two exercises or just a single move. LIFT 22 workouts grounded in scientifically validated HIIT resistance studies have been shown to lead to significant positive transformations and lean muscle development.
Songs & Artists, 1. Can't Give Up - Kalle Engstrom ft Mikael Jaffe, 2. Tick Tock Boom - Jak Elphick, 3. Tell Me Something New - Ramin ft Johan Wendt, 4. Sick And Tired - Mad Modishi ft Dayon.
Production music courtesy of Epidemicsound.com